What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia primarily affects the ability to learn to read and spell, and sometimes maths is affected too. It comes from a difficulty in dealing with the sounds of words, which makes it especially hard to learn to read words using phonics (sounding out the letters in a word).
People with dyslexia often find it hard to remember lists of things they have heard, or to remember a name or a fact quickly, although they often have individual strengths in reasoning, visual and creative fields.
Here are the indicators of Dyslexia but as a parent it is worth you going by your instinct as well, you will often know if something 'doesn't add up'. You can also go to Nessy and use the code 81PAR to receive a discount for a basic screener (it is only £10). If you are still worried then give us a call or send an or fill in the contact form and we can arrange a free consultation face to face on on the phone.
There are a number of indicators of dyslexia in a child:
• Seems bright in some ways but unexpectedly struggles in others
• Other members of the family have similar difficulties
• Has difficulties carrying out three instructions in sequence
• Struggles to learn sequences such as days of the week or the alphabet
• Is a slow reader or makes unexpected errors when reading aloud
• Often reads a word, then fails to recognise it further down the page
• Struggles to remember what has been read
• Puts letters and numbers the wrong way: for example, 15 for 51, b for d or “was” for “saw”
• Has poor handwriting and/or struggles to hold the pen/pencil correctly and/or learn cursive writing
• Spells a word several different ways
• Appears to have poor concentration
• Struggles with mental arithmetic or learning times tables
• Seems to struggle with maths and/or understanding the terminology in maths: for example, knowing when to add, subtract or multiply
• Has difficulties understanding time and tense
• Confuses left and right
• Can answer questions orally but has difficulties writing the answer down
• Has trouble learning nursery rhymes or songs
• Struggles with phonics and learning the letter to sound rules
• Seems to get frustrated or suffers unduly with stress and/or low self-esteem
• Struggles to copy information down when reading from the board
• Needs an unexpected amount of support with homework and struggles to get it done on time
• Is excessively tired after a day at school.
Characteristics in adults
•Difficulties taking notes
•Difficulties planning and writing essays, letters or reports
•Difficulties reading and understanding new terminology
•Quality of work is erratic
•Difficulties revising for examinations
•Struggles to communicate knowledge and understanding in exams
•Feels that the effort put in does not reflect performance or results
•Forgets names and factual information, even when familiar
•Struggles to remember things such as a personal PIN or telephone number
•Struggles to meet deadlines
•Struggles with personal organisation (finances/household, forgets appointments)
What do I do next…? Contact us to discuss your concerns...
It is important to remember dyslexia is not related to general intelligence and is not the same for everyone. It can be mild or severe; and it varies depending on other strengths, or difficulties, that the person may have. More importantly, it varies depending on the kind of support and encouragement from friends, family, teachers and colleagues.
10% of the population are thought to be affected.