Assessment, which one?
There are four main types of Assessment. You will be able to make an informed decision about which one is the most appropriate during your consultation with your teacher if one is required.
A report is provided within 2 -3 weeks of the assessment.
Once you receive your report, you will be invited back to the centre or to arrange a telephone call to receive a post-assessment consultation.
The four assessments are explained in detail below... the assessment range in price from £200-£530.

A Consultant Psychological Assessment
A Consultant Psychological Assessment
The Consultant Psychological Assessment
A Dyslexia Network assessment is carried out by an independent consulting psychologist, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). It will involve a series of psychometric tests to measure spatial and verbal memory, reading and spelling in a standardised way so that results can be compared with others within the population of the same age range.
The assessor will provide key findings at the end of the assessment and you will subsequently receive a comprehensive confidential report setting out the results in detail. The report outlines strengths and weaknesses and indicates if an individual has a specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia. It also provides important information about specific learning needs and suggestions for action.
The Teacher Diagnosis Assessment
The Teacher Diagnosis Assessment
Teacher Diagnostic Assessment
The Teacher Diagnostic Assessment is carried out by a fully qualified teacher. The assessment usually takes approximately three hours and covers both ability and attainment. The teacher can diagnose dyslexia if appropriate and will provide a full and comprehensive report providing an explanation of the assessment, the results and recommendations. Verbal feedback is usually provided on the day of the assessment.

The Skills Profile
The Skills Profile
Skills Profile
The Skills Profile is not a diagnostic assessment, it is delivered by a fully qualified teacher, but not necessarily with an accredited Practicing Certificate. The assessment still takes between two to two and a half hours and will provide a comprehensive overview of attainment and ability including mathematics if required. The teacher will usually provide some feedback on the day and will provide a comprehensive report of strengths and areas that may require some support.
Screening Planning Assessment
Screening Planning Assessment
Screening Planning Assessment
A Screening Planning Assessment is a slightly shorter assessment; it is not computer-based. The teacher will take approximately one and a half hours and include an assessment of verbal and non-verbal abilities, reading, spelling, writing, memory and processing speed. This assessment will enable us to look at the skills of the learner, adult or child and provide recommendations. A Screening Assessment is often carried out as half of the full diagnostic.